Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Message to you from the FSS (Familybuilder Secret Spies) Shhhh..... don't tell...

To the Reagan Children:
We've been watching your work and think its great. So we've snuck onto your blog page! There has been a FSS (Familybuilder Secret Spy) assigned to your case to reward you for the great work you're doing!

This week we want you to work extra hard on the living room or the front porch and we want to know how you're doing on it. Here's some ideas to get our attention:

  • Dust the living room

  • Pick up clutter (set your timer and work for 5 minutes)

  • Sweep the front porch

  • Straighten the front porch (shoes/boots included!:)

(These will be worth 5 FSS points if you do them.)

Other things that will get commendation will be:

  • Putting pj's away every morning without being told for one week

  • Making your bed without being told for one week

  • Taking your plate and silverware to the kitchen without being asked at each meal for one week.

(worth 10 FSS points if you do this for one week.)

You will need to post on the blog at least once a week and report what you've done. So, if you have put your jammies away for one week just put on this blog- "Dear FSS-put my jammies away for one whole week-Audrey" (or Isaiah...or Briley....or Caleb...or even Macey!) and we'll keep track of that.

If you hear the rumor that FSS sends rewards when you get up to about 100 points that is true, so let's see what you can do!


Your FSS Agent

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