Thursday, August 27, 2009

work is going good.

today work has been going good. every morning I sweep living room dining room and kitchen Caleb does the dishes and wipes the table i do lunch dishes so we have had a good day. so i am just being lazy. so i gues i better be going now so good buy.


  1. Dear Reagan Children,
    Let's play a game! I want you to set the timer for 5 minutes and each of you go put away as many things in your room as you can for those 5 minutes. See if your dad or mom notice that you've done it. (they have to say something like-"Who picked up the stuff in this room?"
    If they notice it you let me know and I'm going to keep track of some bonus points for you. Each of you get 10 Grandma Bonus Points if your either one of your parents notice that you've picked up the room!
    Let me know--OK?

    Grandma Tami

  2. Hey Briley, I read that you fixed breakfast for your mom and brought it to her in bed, how sweet. I am proud of you, all of you. Love mamaw
